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Sex Male
AD FILTER: off - Hermes33k accepts all ads
Payment Processors:
Perfect Money
Bonus Ad Points: 0
Proven Traffic Value: $189.93076 Rank: #12741
Ad purchases: $6.20 Rank: #108040
Referral Commissions: $0.00 Rank: #752982 with 0 referrals, 0 currently active
Paid Ad Interactions: $26.5775 Rank: #58291 from 4989 paids ad interactions
Money Gaming Volume: $0.00 Rank: #723529 with 0 plays, 0 games
BAP Gaming Volume: 232290 BAPs Rank: #2946 with 12730 plays, 10 games
BAP Games Played: Rank: Details:
Baccarat#6729525 BAPs total bets; 1 plays; max play: 25 BAPs
Blackjack#1575050 BAPs total bets; 1 plays; max play: 50 BAPs
Casino War#113801100 BAPs total bets; 43 plays; max play: 50 BAPs
The Coin Flip Game#392192650 BAPs total bets; 26 plays; max play: 25 BAPs
Las Vegas scratch#4984480 BAPs total bets; 48 plays; max play: 10 BAPs
Money Slots#1119912015 BAPs total bets; 5739 plays; max play: 10 BAPs
9 out of 10#13725120 BAPs total bets; 12 plays; max play: 10 BAPs
3-5-7 Poker#1249300 BAPs total bets; 4 plays; max play: 75 BAPs
The Slot Machine#36586850 BAPs total bets; 2277 plays; max play: 250 BAPs
Three Card Poker#30130700 BAPs total bets; 4579 plays; max play: 200 BAPs


Campaign ID 728*90 lmp 125*125 lmp Clicks Status