ahmedwwaw | 2015-08-22 12:25

I want to know about a candidate ads

Hello I want to provide the answers to my questions I want to invest my money in Bade paidverts in order to buy pointsBAPFor this I want to know if she ran filter ads at the lowest value of 0.01 km will be needed points Hatta proceed to adjust the filter ads on scent value in order to come to many bills, if Adha Art appoint a candidate ads on the lowest value of 0.05 km you will need of points BAP Hatta, the value of each ad Ka lowest 0.05 Adha if appointed nomination announcements on the lowest value of 0.10 per announcement of how much need of points BAP Hatta Adjust Ad Filter very beautiful Shi pointed my opinion in filter ads that mention in the value counter you can set the filter to the lowest 0.005 and the maximum 0.99 Is it true that I can filter ads had to lower the value of which is 0.99 if Kmalk How many BAP points required Hatta transpire ads on the value of 0.99 Luna thank very much for the one who responded to my questions clearly and thank you for all
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