With our targeted ad campaigns, advertisers can use any of the data points below, to communicate with you. Increase the stats, and improve your ranking, to appeal to more advertisers, and earn more!
Sex | Male | |
AD FILTER: | off - Reis3754 accepts all ads | |
VACATION MODE: | off | |
Payment Processors: |
Bitcoin Litecoin |
Bonus Ad Points: | 203472 |
Proven Traffic Value: | $0.00 | |
Ad purchases: | $7.35 | Rank: #90 |
Referral Commissions: | $0.00 | |
Paid Ad Interactions: | $10.45332 | Rank: #18 from 13457 paids ad interactions |
Money Gaming Volume: | $0.00 | |
BAP Gaming Volume: | 499680 BAPs | Rank: #79 with 6792 plays, 2 games |
BAP Games Played: | Rank: | Details: |
Money Slots | #11 | 499590 BAPs total bets; 6783 plays; max play: 450 BAPs |
The Slot Machine | #309 | 90 BAPs total bets; 9 plays; max play: 10 BAPs |
26-03-2024 18:54:59 | 03-09-2024 18:54:59 | Super User - Mega Upgrade | 21 ($21.74) |
27-02-2024 18:51:42 | 26-03-2024 18:51:42 | Super User - Mega Upgrade | 24 ($33.13) |
01-02-2024 18:38:53 | 08-02-2024 18:38:53 | Super User - Mega Upgrade | 24 ($38.15) |
24-01-2024 20:47:12 | 31-01-2024 20:47:12 | Super User - Mega Upgrade | 26 ($99.09) |
10-01-2024 00:33:52 | 24-01-2024 00:33:52 | Super User - Mega Upgrade | 11 ($20.07) |
02-01-2024 20:21:17 | 09-01-2024 20:21:17 | Super User - Mega Upgrade | 20 ($47.23) |
09-12-2023 00:51:36 | 16-12-2023 00:51:36 | Super User - Mega Upgrade | 40 ($150.40) |
01-07-2023 17:01:49 | 21-09-2024 17:01:49 | Super User - Mini Upgrade | 114 ($2.04) |
Campaign ID | 728*90 lmp | 125*125 lmp | Clicks | Status |
BA-6702850 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 76/50 | Delivered |
BA-6702107 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 71/50 | Delivered |
BA-6701228 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 77/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700826 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 81/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700361 | 1025/1025 | 0/0 | 79/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700353 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 158/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700352 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 74/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700175 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 80/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700174 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 80/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700173 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 74/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700172 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 74/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700171 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 71/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700170 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 74/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700169 | 25/25 | 0/0 | 71/50 | Delivered |
BA-6700168 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 76/50 | Delivered |